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Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash: What’s the Difference?

Since its inception into the market, there has been too much question about the ability of Bitcoin. The transaction that includes the Digital currency Bitcoin is verified and stored within the ledger known as Blockchain.

Moreover, Blockchain is a ledger recording technology that makes ledgers the little more manipulative because the transaction is stored by majority rule and not by the individual. The network is decentralized and runs across computers all around the world.

However, the problem that occurs with the Blockchain in the Bitcoin network is that it’s a little slow when compared to the bank that deals with credit card transactions. The transaction can take several minutes to process.  Also, the waiting time has increased due to the increased network of Bitcoin users, because there are more transactions to process without the change in the underlying technology.

Moreover, if you are looking for a Coinflip customer service number, Bitcoin customer service number, Binance Support Phone Number, or Gemini Customer Support Number, then Crypto Help Desk is here to provide you with all the assistance and details, just go through the blog and in between, you’ll get the customer service no as per your convenience.

The Two Versions of Bitcoin

Bitcoin was launched in the year 2009 as a Digital currency through Blockchain Technology. These transactions are validated by the other user networks and are validated by the other users on the network through the process called Bitcoin Mining. So, once the transaction is validated, it gets chained to the previous blocks and becomes a permanent record.


In 2017, the mining companies representing about 80 percent of the Bitcoin computing power voted to integrate a technology known as the segregated witness. This fixes the amount of data that needs to be verified in the smaller block by removing the signature data from the block that needs to get processed in the transaction.

The signature data has been processed for about 65 percent of the data processed in each block. Moreover, the size of the blocks has gone from 1 MB to 2 MB, in the years 2017 and 2018. In the year 2019, the Block size of Bitcoin increased to 1.35 MB surpassing the previous record. The larger block size aids in improving the scalability.

Moreover, in the year 2017, the research showed that the SegWit implementation helped in increasing the block size in between the steady adoption rate of technology.

Finally, the process of the implementation of SegWit and doubling the block size was known as SegWit 2X.

Bitcoin Cash

Coming to Bitcoin cash.  It was started by Bitcoin miners, those who were concerned with the future of cryptocurrency and also its ability to work effectively.

However, these miners felt that the SegWit2 x might not be able to address the issue of scalability in a proper way, nor did it follow the roadmap made by the anonymous party who first proposed the Blockchain Technology behind the Cryptocurrency.

Moreover, the process of integrating SegWit was not that translucent, and there were also concerns about the introduction of the decentralization of the currency.

In August 2017, some miners and developers launched a so-called hard fork, creating a new currency: BCH. BCH has its own blockchain and specifications, which are very important to bitcoin. BCH has implemented an 8MB buffer to speed up the confirmation process, and a variable difficulty level to ensure chain survival and transaction confirmation speed, regardless of the number of miners in it. In March 2022, the BCH block size quadrupled to 32MB.

Bitcoin Cash is thus able to process transactions faster than the Bitcoin network, which means that downtime is shorter and transaction processing fees are generally lower. The Bitcoin Cash network can handle more transactions per minute than the Bitcoin network. However, those failures come with a fast business approval time. A potential issue with the blockchain associated with BCH is that security can be compromised compared to the Bitcoin network. Similarly, Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency in the world as well as the largest by market capitalization, so BCH services can see real-world liquidity and usage lower than Bitcoin.

Thus, these debates about scalability, transaction processing, and also the forks, continued and led to the evolution of Bitcoin Cash.

Before moving on, if you are looking for assistance in cryptocurrency trading, then you can call us or chat with us at the number provided below.

  • Coinflip customer service number: 1804-480-8747
  • Bitcoin customer service number: 1804-480-8747
  • Binance Support Phone Number: 1804-480-8747
  • Gemini Customer Support Number: 1804-480-8747

Total Supply of Bitcoin Cash

Like Bitcoin, the total supply of Bitcoin cash will also not exceed 21 million coins. The rates in new coins are gradually decreasing with the insurance rate cut in half about every four years.

As of March 2022, the circulating supply of Bitcoin cash was 91 percent of the total supply. Bitcoin’s circulating supply was 90 percent of the total supply.

Characteristics that Make Bitcoin Cash an Effective Medium of Exchange

Bitcoin Cash allows peer-to-peer payments between individuals, like cash, but in a digital form. The cost to send Bitcoin Cash is a fraction of a penny, while the settlement takes place almost instantly, regardless of the physical location of the participants in the transaction. These features make Bitcoin Cash useful for everyday transactions and microtransactions.

The Conclusion

We Crypto Help Desk, are a customer care team that will aid you in resolving the technical issues with cryptocurrency trading. We are available for you 24/7, just get in touch with us through the Coinflip customer service number, Bitcoin Customer Support Phone Number, Binance Support Phone Number, and  Gemini Customer Support Number.

Now, we sum up the blog here. If you have any queries or concerns, just visit our website or Contact Us through Email or Contact Number.